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Product Catalog Request

On the consent to the handling of personal information, please fill out the form below.

【Handling of personal information about the user registration】
Information you registered, it is properly managed in accordance with our privacy policy.
Information you register, you can use it is limited to the purpose of use as specified in our privacy policy.
Items that are displayed as required “Required” fields.

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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

The KOKI Group (hereafter referred to as KOKI), comprising KOKI and its subsidiaries, recognizes the importance of proper handling and protection of personal information, and acts according to below code of conduct to achieve the following objectives: clear definition of the intended use, collection in a rightful manner, and thorough and proper management, of the personal information.

Collection of personal information

KOKI informs or makes it public the purpose of its usage upon collecting personal information, and limits the extent of information to only the necessary items to accomplish the purpose.

Use of personal information

Personal information obtained at KOKI in the above defined proper manner will be used only for the below described business activities of KOKI, excluding the case where required by law;
Making announcement of new/developing products and the occasions to present them
Sales activities such as discussing and negotiating product specifications and selling terms and conditions
Research and development, procurement, production, logistics, and delivery activities and pertaining after-sales services
Customer management
Implementation of contracts
Contact for office procedures

Sharing of Personal Information

KOKI may provide any personal information to any of its contractors to the extent only necessary to achieve the purpose of usage thereof. Even in such a case, KOKI shall request the relevant contractor to handle the relevant personal information in a proper manner and KOKI will control the use thereof by such contractor in a suitable fasion.

Disclosure to third parties

KOKI puts into practice proper management of the collected information, and does not disclose or hand over the information to any third parties without obtaining the prior consent, except for such cases as required by law.

Management of personal data

In order to prevent the loss, theft, falsification, or unauthorized use of personal data, KOKI has implemented measures appropriate to ensuring the secure management of all personal data in accordance with both KOKI’s own internal guidelines as well as all relevant laws and regulations. KOKI also conducts workshops, seminars, and other educations programs to ensure that KOKI employees understand and conforms to all.

Disclosure, correction, deletion etc. of personal information

When you wish to refer to the personal information in our possession or to correct or delete such information, contact us through the inquiry channel through KOKI’s prescribed procedures. After verification of the identity of the person making the request, we will disclose to you or correct/delete the information within a reasonable period of time.

This website (www.ko-ki.co.jp/en/)

1. Security precautions Reasonable and appropriate security measures are employed in the maintenance and management of personal information in order to ensure against risks such as unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, and disclosure. To ensure that personal information is managed appropriately, each business unit that receives personal information and all relevant personnel are thoroughly familiarized with the company-wide information security regulations.

2. Information collected automatically No personally identifiable information (e.g. name, address, phone no., e-mail address) is collected automatically when you access this website. We do collect anonymous information related to site usage for aggregate analysis to improve the site. This anonymous information includes a log of which pages you viewed, and the domain name of the website (e.g., a search site) from which you accessed this website.

3. Cookies This website uses cookies (a standard form of data stored on the user’s computer) for the purpose of improving our services. The cookies do not enable us to identify you personally. You can set your browser to turn cookies off. If you do so, however, some services provided in this site may not function properly.
This website also may use Google Analytics to log and analyze usage for the purpose of improving our services. Google Analytics uses cookies which do not enable users to be identified personally. For further information about cookies from Google Analytics, please refer to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service of Google Inc.

4. Applicability of privacy policy This privacy policy applies to KOKI Group companies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites to which links may be included in this website. Please refer to the privacy policies of those websites separately.


Please address inquiries regarding the handling of personal information at KOKI to:
KOKI Company Limited, Administration Department
32-1 Senju Asahi-cho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0026
Tel: +81 3 5244 1511