ISO Certificate of Registration Application Form

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    Example) 090-1234-5678 *Enter half-width characters
    *Please enter a number that is easy to call

Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy

Chukoh Chemical Industries, Ltd. and its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Chukoh") recognize that it is our social responsibility as a company to appropriately protect personally identifiable information (information that can identify an individual, such as name, address, telephone number, organizational affiliation, and e-mail address; hereinafter referred to as "personal information") provided by customers via our website. We recognize that it is our social responsibility as a company to appropriately protect the personal information we receive from our customers via our website.

  • The personal data manager is Chukoh Chemical Industries, Ltd.
  • The personal information you provide in this form will only be used to confirm your usage status and will not be used to send you information from our company (e.g., information on new products, exhibitions, etc.). We do not keep track of which product data you have downloaded.
  • Please see"personal information protection policy"about this company's method of protection of said information.